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Audio & Video

HTML5 .mp4 Video (Plays on iPads & iPhones)

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HTML5 Audio Player

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[plain][audio file=""][/plain]

Youtube Video

Note that you only use the id of the video. The Id of the video can be found on the URL of the video and is usually 6-12 characters long.

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[plain][video type="youtube" video_id="rHm5-av1Uks" width="580" height="326"][/plain]

Vimeo Video

Note that you only use the id of the video. The Id of vimeo videos is the numbers right after the url.

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[plain][video type="vimeo" video_id="35557633" width="580" height="326"][/plain]

Dailymotion Video

Note that you only use the id of the video. The Id of dailymotion videos is just the id right after the main URL

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[plain][video type="dailymotion" video_id="xoakse" width="580" height="326"][/plain]